Search Results

317 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Macaree, Mary, and David Macaree. 2002 Douglas & McIntyre
Cameron, June 2009 Heritage House
Christie, Jack. 2002 Douglas & McIntyre
Christie, Jack. 2007 Douglas & McIntyre
Mason, Ruth 1982 Hounslow Press
Hudson, Rick. 2006 Harbour Publishing
1982 Highway Book Shop
Lambert, Jill. 2008 Douglas & McIntyre
Carey, Neil G. 1995 Raincoast Books
1986 Centax of Canada
Hainsworth, Gavin, and Katherine Freund-Hainsworth. 2005 Dundurn Press
Bridge, Kathryn. 2006 Rocky Mountain Books
Lascelle, Michael K. 2004 Whitecap Books
Hafner, Kate. 2008 McClelland & Stewart
Coates, Kenneth S., and Carin Holroyd. 1995 Caitlin Press
Macdonald, Bruce. 1992 Talonbooks
Deutsch, Esther. 1990 McGraw-Hill Ryerson
1992 Centax Books
Sirois, James. 1999 Hancock House Publishers
Woodward, Meredith Bain, and Ron Woodward. 2004 Altitude Publishing Canada
Levinson, Elizabeth. 2003 TouchWood Editions
Gazetas, Mary. 2006 TouchWood Editions
Lazarus, Eve. 2007 Anvil Press
Potter, Greg, and Red Robinson. 2004 Harbour Publishing
Robitaille, Bibianne. 1991 Centax Books