Jean BĂ©liveau: My Life in Hockey |
Béliveau, Jean, with Chrys Goyens and Allan Turowetz.
1994 |
McClelland & Stewart
Oh, Once in My Saddle |
Brady, T.L.
1994 |
Prairie House Books
Red Fisher: Hockey, Heroes, and Me |
Fisher, Red.
1994 |
McClelland & Stewart
Open Ice: The Tim Horton Story |
Hunter, Douglas.
1994 |
Penguin Books Canada
Red's Story |
Storey, Red, with Brodie Snyder.
1994 |
Macmillan Canada
Wayne Gretzky: The Authorized Pictorial Biography |
Taylor, Jim.
1994 |
Whitecap Books
Hey! Is That Guy Dead or Is He the Skip? |
Thomas, William J.
1994 |
Stoddart Publishing
From the Golf Course to the Main Course: A Cookbook for Golfers |
Parker, Greg, and Rob Foster.
1994 |
Centax Books
Hockey Town, Canada: The Golden Years |
Garton, Harold.
1994 |
Creative Bound Inc.
The Golfer's Course Guide: The Official National Canadian Golf Guidebook |
1994 |
Warwick Publishing
The Canadian Cycling Association's Complete Guide to Bicycle Touring in Canada |
Katz, Elliott.
1994 |
Doubleday Canada
100 Great Moments in Hockey |
Kendall, Brian.
1994 |
Penguin Books Canada
Rowing |
Laumann, Silken, with Calvin Wharton.
1994 |
Stoddart Publishing
Proud Past, Bright Future: One Hundred Years of Canadian Women's Hockey |
McFarlane, Brian.
1994 |
Stoddart Publishing
Still More It Happened in Hockey |
McFarlane, Brian.
1994 |
Stoddart Publishing
Pro Hockey Play-by-Play: The Ultimate NHL Guide, 1994-95 |
Montgomery, Ted.
1994 |
Macmillan Canada
The Official NHL 1970s Quiz Book |
1994 |
McClelland & Stewart
The Official NHL Philadelphia Flyers Quiz Book |
1994 |
McClelland & Stewart
Game Day: The Blue Jays at SkyDome |
O'Malley, Martin, and Sean O'Malley.
1994 |
Penguin Books Canada
Hockey Scouting Report 1994-95 |
Ross, Sherry.
1994 |
Douglas & McIntyre
The Ontario Mountain Bike Trail Guide |
Seca, Ron.
1994 |
The Boston Mills Press
Figure Skating: A Celebration |
Smith, Beverley.
1994 |
McClelland & Stewart
Face Off: Great Moments and Dubious Achievements |
Snyder, John S.
1994 |
Raincoast Books
Lightning, Champagne and Silverware: Three Sailing Adventures |
Stephenson, Don.
1994 |
Lancelot Press
Backyard Trampolining: A Comprehensive Guide for the Trampolinist |
Traviss, Darlene.
1994 |
Detselig Enterprises