Search Results

840 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Béliveau, Jean, with Chrys Goyens and Allan Turowetz. 1994 McClelland & Stewart
Brady, T.L. 1994 Prairie House Books
Fisher, Red. 1994 McClelland & Stewart
Hunter, Douglas. 1994 Penguin Books Canada
Storey, Red, with Brodie Snyder. 1994 Macmillan Canada
Taylor, Jim. 1994 Whitecap Books
Thomas, William J. 1994 Stoddart Publishing
Parker, Greg, and Rob Foster. 1994 Centax Books
Garton, Harold. 1994 Creative Bound Inc.
1994 Warwick Publishing
Katz, Elliott. 1994 Doubleday Canada
Kendall, Brian. 1994 Penguin Books Canada
Laumann, Silken, with Calvin Wharton. 1994 Stoddart Publishing
McFarlane, Brian. 1994 Stoddart Publishing
McFarlane, Brian. 1994 Stoddart Publishing
Montgomery, Ted. 1994 Macmillan Canada
1994 McClelland & Stewart
1994 McClelland & Stewart
O'Malley, Martin, and Sean O'Malley. 1994 Penguin Books Canada
Ross, Sherry. 1994 Douglas & McIntyre
Seca, Ron. 1994 The Boston Mills Press
Smith, Beverley. 1994 McClelland & Stewart
Snyder, John S. 1994 Raincoast Books
Stephenson, Don. 1994 Lancelot Press
Traviss, Darlene. 1994 Detselig Enterprises