The Kitchen Table Classroom |
Wilton, Dianne.
2000 |
Detselig Enterprises
Jivin' Johnny's Classroom Teacher's Emergency Lesson Plans for Elementary and High Schools |
Philips, John.
2000 |
Jjohnny Press
Introducing Mammals |
Everitt, Kerry G.
1999 |
Pembroke Publishers
All Together Now: 200 of Sonja Dunn's Best Chants |
Dunn, Sonja.
1999 |
Pembroke Publishers
Active Partners: Education and Local Development |
MacIntyre, Gertrude Anne.
1995 |
University College of Cape Breton Press
One Hundred and One Everyday Activities in Social Studies, Media, and Life Skills |
Cornwall, Jan.
1996 |
Pembroke Publishers
One Hundred and One Everyday Activities in Science and Technology |
Cornwall, Jan.
1996 |
Pembroke Publishers
One Hundred and One Everyday Activities in Mathematics |
Cornwall, Jan.
1996 |
Pembroke Publishers
One Hundred and One Everyday Activities for Better Reading and Writing |
Cornwall, Jan.
1996 |
Pembroke Publishers
Lifelong Learning Skills: How to Teach Today's Children for Tomorrow's Challenges |
Lake, Jo-Anne.
1997 |
Pembroke Publishers
Reading Response Logs: Inviting Students to Explore Novels, Short Stories, Plays, Poetry and More |
Kooy, Mary, and Jan Wells.
1996 |
Pembroke Publishers
Grading the Teacher |
Jacobs, Nellie.
1996 |
Penguin Books Canada
Student Self-Assessment: A Powerful Process for Helping Students Revise Their Writing |
Foster, Graham.
1996 |
Pembroke Publishers
The Spelling Teacher's Book of Lists |
Phenix, Jo.
1996 |
Pembroke Publishers
Using Grammar and Punctuation |
Yates, Irene.
1998 |
Pembroke Publishers
Spelling Skills for Active Learning |
Yates, Irene.
1998 |
Pembroke Publishers
Grammar Tools and Rules |
Yates, Irene.
1998 |
Pembroke Publishers
Take a Technowalk: To Learn About Materials and Structures |
Williams, Peter, and Saryl Jacobson.
1997 |
Trifolium Books
So Far: Words from Learners |
1997 |
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Teaching to Wonder: Responding to Poetry in the Secondary School Classroom |
Leggo, Carl.
1997 |
Pacific Educational Press
Standards for Learning |
Foster, Graham.
1998 |
Pembroke Publishers
Assessment of Classroom Learning |
Violato, Claudio, Anthony Marini, and Dan McDougall.
1998 |
Detselig Enterprises
Responding to Media Violence: Starting Points for Classroom Practice |
1998 |
Pembroke Publishers
Celebrating Our Cultures: Language Arts Activities for Classroom Teachers |
DuMoulin, Barbara, and Sylvia Sikundar.
1998 |
Pembroke Publishers
Student Diversity: Addressing the Needs of All Learners in Inclusive Classroom Communities |
Brownlie, Faye, and Catherine Feniak.
1998 |
Pembroke Publishers