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Tri-Town Trolleys: The Story of the Nipissing Central Railway |
Helm, Norman
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Crabtree Publishing
Travel in the Early Days |
Kalman, Bobbie, and Kate Calder.
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Train Country: An Illustrated History of Canadian National Railways |
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Trails to Gold |
Patenaude, Branwen C.
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Horsdal & Schubart Publishers
Tracks Across the Landscape: The S&L Commemorative History |
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University College of Cape Breton Press
Toll of the Sea: Stories from the Forgotten Coast |
Parsons, Robert C.
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Creative Book Publishing
Titanic Halifax |
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Tidewrack: Neglected Facts and Intriguing Stories from the age of the Wooden Ships |
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Lancelot Press
Through a Canadian Periscope: The Story of the Canadian Submarine Service |
Ferguson, Julie H.
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Dundurn Press
Those Beautiful Coastal Liners |
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Sono Nis Press
The Wreck of the Asia: Ships, Shoals, Storms and a Great Lakes Survey |
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Escart Press
The Wreck of the «William Brown»: A True Tale of Overcrowded Lifeboats and Murder at Sea |
Koch, Tom.
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Douglas & McIntyre
The Valencia Tragedy |
Neitzel, Michael C.
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Heritage House Publishing
The Unknown Navy: Canada's World War II Merchant Navy |
Halford, Robert G.
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Vanwell Publishing
The TTC Story: The First Seventy-five Years |
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Dundurn Press
The Timiskawa Navigator: Lake Timiskaming/Ottawa River |
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General Store Publishing House
The Story of the Chestnut Canoe |
Solway, Kenneth.
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Nimbus Publishing
The Sicamous and the Naramata: Steamboat Days in the Okanagan |
Turner, Robert D.
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Sono Nis Press
The Ships of Canada's Marine Services |
Maginley, Charles D., and Bernard Collin.
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Vanwell Publishing
The Ships of British Columbia: An Illustrated History of the British Columbia Ferry Corporation |
Bannerman, Gary, and Patricia Bannerman
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Hancock House
The Scottish Pioneers of Upper Canada, 1784–1855: Glengarry and Beyond |
Campey, Lucille H.
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Natural Heritaga/Natural History
The Pig That Flew: The Battle to Privatize Canadian National |
Bruce, Harry.
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Douglas & McIntyre
The Philosophy of Railways: The Transcontinental Railway Idea in British North America |
Den Otter, A.A.
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University of Toronto Press