Search Results

181 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Martin, Elaine. 1994 Stoddart Publishing
Zarzour, Kim. 1994 HarperCollins Canada
O'Neill, John. 1994 University of Toronto Press
Arnup, Katherine. 1994 University of Toronto Press
de Vos, Gail, and Merle Harris. 1995 Dragon Hill
Katz, Patricia. 1995 Centax Books
Holloway, Anne. 1995 Macfarlane Walter & Ross
Baker, Maureen. 1995 University of Toronto Press
1995 Gynergy Books
March, Karen. 1995 University of Toronto Press
Marshall, Peter. 1995 Whitecap Books
Orlick, Terry. 1995 Creative Bound Inc.
Roy, Ranjan, and Harvy Frankel. 1995 University of Toronto Press
Wooding, G. Scott. 1995 Script Publishing
Rabie-Azoory, Vera. 1995 HarperCollins Canada
March, Karen. 1995 University of Toronto Press
Roy, Ranjan, and Harvy Frankel. 1995 University of Toronto Press
Baker, Maureen. 1995 University of Toronto Press
Hickling, Meg. 1996 Northstone Publishing
MacGregor, Roy. 1996 McClelland & Stewart
Timson, Judith. 1996 HarperCollins Canada
1996 University of Victoria
Molloy, William. 1996 Key Porter Books
Knowles, Caroline. 1996 Broadview Press
Nelson, Fiona. 1996 University of Toronto Press