Search Results

30 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
1994 Black Rose Books
1997 Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
1995 University of Toronto Press
Snell, James G. 1996 University of Toronto Press
Millar, Sandra. 2003 Detselig Enterprises
Ash, Irene Borins. 2003 Second Story Press
2002 University of Toronto Press
O'Hara, Bruce. 2004 New Star Books
Cusack, Sandra, and Wendy Thompson. 2003 Key Porter Books
Telford, Gillian Eades. 2003 Self-Counsel Press
Michaels, Evelyne, with Dr. Michael Gordon. 2001 Key Porter Books
Maurier, Wendy L., and Herbert C. Northcott. 2000 Detselig Enterprises
2000 UBC Press
Carter, Barbara H. 2001 Stoddart Publishing
Parsons, Patricia, and Arthur Parsons. 1994 Doubleday Canada
1994 Black Rose Books
Rhodes, Ann. 1993 Key Porter Books
Michaels, Evelyne. 1995 Key Porter Books
Reis, Myrna, and Daphne Nahmiash. 1995 Captus Press
Snell, James G. 1996 University of Toronto Press
Northcott, Herbert C. 1997 Detselig Enterprises
Montigny, Edgar-André. 1997 McGill-Queen's University Press
Counts, Dorothy Ayers, and David R. Counts. 1996 Broadview Press
Collins, Robert. 1997 McClelland & Stewart
Northcott, Herbert C., and P. Jane Milliken. 1998 Detselig Enterprises