Search Results

77 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Dourley, John P. 1984 Inner City Books
Woodman, Marion 1985 Inner City Books
Wright, John 1985 McClelland & Stewart
Simmons, Harvey G. 1990 Wall & Thompson
Gardner, Robert Lindsay. 1990 Inner City Books
Miller, Saul. 1991 McGraw-Hill Ryerson
Woodman, Marion. 1992 Inner City Books
Cunningham, Alastair J. 1992 Key Porter Books
James, Andy. 1992 Somerville House
Kruk, Edward. 1993 Fernwood Publishing
Macdonald, Copthorne. 1993 Dundurn Press
1993 Canadian Scholars' Press
Swede, George. 1993 Wall & Emerson
Brown, Ian. 1993 Macfarlane Walter & Ross
Mills, Kenneth George. 1994 Sun-Scape Publications
Peters, Celeste 1994 Script Publishing
Kason, Yvonne, and Teri Degler. 1994 HarperCollins Canada
Rainham, David C. 1994 Trilobyte Press
Mansfield, Kimberley. 1995 General Store Publishing House
Burch, Mark A. 1995 New Society Publishers
Leibow, David. 1995 Penguin Books Canada
Roy, Ranjan, and Harvy Frankel. 1995 University of Toronto Press
Sharp, Daryl. 1995 Inner City Books
Boisvert, Mathieu. 1995 Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Mills, Kenneth George. 1995 Sun-Scape Publications