Search Results

51 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Abbott, Colleen, and Sally Godinho. 2004 Pembroke Publishers
Armstrong, Tricia. 2003 Pembroke Publishers
Black, J. David. 2002 Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Booth, David, and Bob Barton. 2004 Pembroke Publishers
Booth, David, and Larry Swartz. 2004 Pembroke Publishers
Boschma, Geertje. 2005 University of Calgary Press
Brynjolson, Rhian. 1998 Peguis Publishers
Buis, Kellie. 2007 Pembroke Publishers
Coles, Mike, Chas White, and Pip Brown. 2003 Pembroke Publishers
Dei, George Jerry Sefa. 1996 Fernwood Publishing
Doetzel, Nancy. 2006 Detselig Enterprises
Donohue, Lisa. 2007 Pembroke Publishers
Drewe, Sheryle Bergmann. 1998 Detselig Enterprises
Drewe, Sheryle Bregmann. 1996 Detselig Enterprises
Essif, Les. 2006 University of Calgary Press
Everitt, Kerry G. 1999 Pembroke Publishers
Foster, Graham. 2004 Pembroke Publishers
Foster, Graham. 2003 Pembroke Publishers
Gunster, Shane. 2004 University of Toronto Press
Howe, R. Brian, and Katherine Covell. 2005 University of Toronto Press
Johnny, Jivin'. 2004 Jjohnny Press
Koechlin, Carol, and Sandi Zwaan. 2006 Pembroke Publishers
Kuzbik, Debra. 1996 Peguis Publishers
Leggo, Carl. 1997 Pacific Educational Press
Luongo-Orlando, Katherine. 2003 Pembroke Publishers