Dictionary of Newfoundland English |
1982 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian ISBN Publishers' Directory |
1982 |
National Library of Canada
The Book Trade in Canada, 1982 |
1982 |
Ampersand Publishing Services
Union List of Manuscripts in Canadian Repositories: Third Supplement, 1979-1980 |
1982 |
Public Archives Canada
Sport Bibliography, Volume 8 |
1982 |
Sport Information Resource Centre
Resources Law Bibliography |
1980 |
Canadian Institute of Resources Law
A Reader's Guide to Canadian History: 2, Confederation to the Present |
1982 |
University of Toronto Press
A Reader's Guide to Canadian History: 1, Beginnings to Confederation |
1982 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian Drug Identification Code |
1982 |
Drug Information Division, Bureau of Nonprescription Drugs
Kids and Libraries: Selections from Emergency Librarian |
1984 |
Dyad Services
Directory of Interlibrary Loan Policies & Photocopying Services in Canadian Libraries |
1984 |
Canadian Library Association
Citizen Participation in Library Decision-Making: The Toronto Experience |
1984 |
School of Library Service, Dalhousie University
China Hands: The Globe and Mail in Peking |
1984 |
McClelland & Stewart
Rethinking Geographical Inquiry |
1982 |
Atkinson College, York University
The Canadian Religious Travel Guide: How to Find Those Special Places in Your Travels |
1984 |
Wood Lake Books
Budget Travel in Canada 1984-85 |
1984 |
General Publishing
British Columbia Small Craft Guide: Vancouver Island, Port Alberni to Campbell River, including the Gulf Islands, Vol. 1 |
1983 |
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
NWT Data Book 1984-85: A Complete Information Guide to the Northwest Territories and Its Communities |
1984 |
Outcrop The Northern Publishers
Yukon Data Book 84-5: A Complete Information Guide to Yukon and Its Communities |
1984 |
Outcrop The Northern Publishers
Historical Statistics of Canada |
1983 |
Statistics Canada
Emergency Response Guide for Dangerous Goods |
1983 |
CANUTEC Transport, Dangerous Goods Directorate, Transport Canada
Dossier: An Inventory of Current Legal Research in Canada |
1984 |
Canadian Law Information Council
Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs 1982 |
1984 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs 1981 |
1984 |
University of Toronto Press
Music Directory Canada '84 |
1984 |
CM Books