Resources Law Bibliography


537 pages
Contains Index
ISBN 0-919269-01-X




Reviewed by Merritt Clifton

Merritt Clifton was an environmental journalist and lived in Brigham, Quebec.


Resources Law Bibliography offers a thorough list of publications of the legal aspects of conservation. This includes general references, annuals, and periodicals, as well as monographs. The volume is organized alphabetically within topical areas, including Natural Resources, Energy Resources, Oil and Gas, Nuclear Energy, Mines and Mineral Resources, Water Resources, The Ocean, The Environment, and Pollution. Each of these broad topical areas is appropriately subdivided. For instance, under Natural Resources, separate headings identify works as General, Soils, Land, Forests and Forestry, Wildlife; under Energy Resources, we have Energy Policy, Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy, Hydro-electric Power, Tidal Power, Biomass, and Refuse as Fuel. There are also indexes of works by title and by author.

Entries are unfortunately not annotated. The information provided is only the bare minimum needed to gain access at a good reference library, or via direct order from the publisher. Further detail about contents of the entries would be useful to scholars, researchers, and conservationists living at some distance from such a library.

As well as illustrating areas that have become subjects of legal concern, Resources Law Bibliography spotlights by omission the areas that have been neglected. For instance, one finds that virtually no topic-specific work has been done on ambient chemical pollution, examples being the possible build-up of dioxin residues on farmland long treated with 2,4-D, and the impact of asbestos tailings heaps on Quebec’s Eastern Townships.


“Resources Law Bibliography,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed December 26, 2024,