Search Results

83 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Weeks, E.P., and Anne Sommerville 1982 The Institute for Research on Public Policy
Sufrin, Eileen 1982 Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Smith, Pat, Pamela J. Hay-Ellis, and Margaret A. McConnell 1982 Copp Clark Pitman
1982 Gage Educational Publishing
1982 McGraw-Hill Ryerson
Economic Council of Canada 1982 Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada
Anderson, John C., and Morley Gunderson 1982 Addison-Wesley
Thomas, Peter H. 1984 Key Porter Books
Taylor, Harold L. 1984 General Publishing
1984 International Self-Counsel Press
Delamaide, Darrell 1984 Lester & Orpen Dennys
Coyne, Deborah M.R. 1984 North-South Institute
Chakrapani, Chuck 1984 Standard Research Systems
Bernard, Elaine 1982 New Star Books
Armstrong, Michael 1984 International Self-Counsel Press
Niosi, Jorge 1985 Between the Lines
Gray, Douglas A. 1985 International Self-Counsel Press
Georgas, M. Steven 1985 International Self-Counsel Press
Dutka, Randall J., and others 1985 CCH Canadian
D'Cruz, Joseph R., and James D. Fleck 1985 The Institute for Research on Public Policy
Best, Patricia, and Ann Shortell 1985 Viking Canada
Bergeron, Pierre G. 1985 Methuen Publications
Beattie, Earle 1985 Methuen Publications
Zimmer, Henry B. 1986 Totem Books
Kelman, Steven G. 1986 Methuen Publications