A Crow Named Joe |
Eyvindson, Peter.
1990 |
Pemmican Publications
Birdfeeder Banquet |
Martchenko, Michael.
1990 |
Annick Press
For the Birds |
Atwood, Margaret.
1990 |
Groundwood Books
Exploring the World of Birds: An Equinox Guide to Avian Life |
Forsyth, Adrian, and Laurel Aziz.
1990 |
Camden House Publishing
Birdfeeder Banquet |
Martchenko, Michael.
1990 |
Annick Press
Baby Boid |
McConnell, Robert.
1991 |
Napoleon Publishing
No Problem, We'll Fix It |
Weis, Lyle.
1991 |
General Publishing
Finster Frets |
Baker, Kent.
1992 |
Oxford University Press Canada
Aska's Birds |
Day, David.
1992 |
Doubleday Canada
Wild Wings: An Introduction to Birdwatching |
Fitzharris, Tim.
1994 |
McClelland & Stewart
Wings Over the Prairie |
Hochbaum, Hans Albert.
1994 |
Hyperion Books
The Birdwatcher's Companion |
MacKay, Barry Kent.
1994 |
Key Porter Books
Lady Grayl: Owl with a Mission |
Nero, Robert W.
1994 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
The Robin and the Song Sparrow |
Bird, Catherine.
1994 |
Yinka Dene Language Institute
Father Goose: The Adventures of a Wildlife Hero |
Lishman, William.
1995 |
Little, Brown and Co. Canada
Search for the Blue Goose |
Martin, Constance.
1995 |
Bayeux Arts
A Bird-Finding Guide to Ontario. Rev. ed. |
Goodwin, Clive E.
1995 |
University of Toronto Press
Bird Brains: The Intelligence of Crows, Ravens, Magpies and Jays |
Savage, Candace.
1995 |
Douglas & McIntyre
Penguins |
Kalman, Bobbie.
1995 |
Crabtree Publishing
Alexander's Sky Blue Eggs |
Speed, Marjorie.
1995 |
Roseway Publishing
Bald Eaglets |
Miles, Victoria.
1995 |
Orca Book Publishers
Canadian Birds |
Mastin, Colleayn O.
1995 |
Grasshopper Books
The Illustrated Father Goose |
Tanaka, Shelley.
1995 |
Little, Brown & Co. (Canada)
The Kids Canadian Bird Book |
Hickman, Pamela M.
1995 |
Kids Can Press
Sky Dancers: The Amazing World of Canadian Birds |
Swanson, Diane.
1995 |
Whitecap Books