Putting Children First: A Guide for Parents Breaking Up |
McDonough, Hanna, and Christina Bartha.
1999 |
University of Toronto Press
Manufacturing "Bad Mothers": A Critical Perspective on Child Neglect |
Swift, Karen J.
1995 |
University of Toronto Press
Death and the Adolescent: A Resource Handbook for Bereavement Support Groups in Schools |
Baxter, Grant W., and Wendy J. Stuart.
1999 |
University of Toronto Press
My Years of Her Melancholy |
Bonneville, François.
1998 |
Oberon Press
Using Knowledge and Evidence in Health Care: Multidisciplinary Perspectives |
2004 |
University of Toronto Press
Mental Fitness for Life: 7 Steps to Healthy Aging |
Cusack, Sandra, and Wendy Thompson.
2003 |
Key Porter Books
The Skinny on Fat: A Look at Low-Fat Culture |
Rosenthal, M. Sara.
2004 |
McClelland & Stewart
Can't Sleep, Can't Stay Awake: A Woman's Guide to Sleep Disorders |
Kryger, Meir.
2004 |
HarperCollins Publishers
Children in Crisis: Support for Teachers and Parents |
Newman, Fran.
1993 |
Scholastic Canada
Peer Mediation: The Complete Guide to Resolving Conflict in Our Schools |
van Gurp, Hetty.
2002 |
Portage & Main Press
Info-Kids: How to Use Nonfiction to Turn Reluctant Readers into Enthusiastic Learners |
Jobe, Ron, and Mary Dayton-Sakari.
2002 |
Pembroke Publishers
How Do I Teach . and Keep My Sanity? |
Paterson, Kathy.
2002 |
Pembroke Publishers
I Think, Therefore I Learn! |
Foster, Graham, et al.
2002 |
Pembroke Publishers
Understanding ADHD: Our Personal Journey |
McCluskey, Ken, and Andrea McCluskey.
2001 |
Portage & Main Press
Brain-Based Learning with Class |
Politano, Colleen, and Joy Paquin.
2000 |
Portage & Main Press
Learning and Attention Disorders: A Guide for Parents and Teachers |
Feldman, William.
2000 |
Key Porter Books
Bloodroot |
Warland, Betsy.
2000 |
Second Story Press
Advances in Adolescent Psychology. 2nd ed. |
Travis, LeRoy, and Claudio Violato.
2001 |
Detselig Enterprises
Bumblebees Can't Fly: A Practical Guide to Making Everything Work |
Siskind, Barry.
2001 |
Stoddart Publishing
The Mental and Emotional Life of Teenagers |
Mitchell, John J.
2001 |
Detselig Enterprises
Canada's Teens: Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow |
Bibby, Reginald W.
2001 |
Stoddart Publishing
Skin Deep: Natural Recipes for Healthy Skin and Hair |
Dinsdale, Margaret.
1994 |
Camden House Publishing
Understanding Menopause. Rev. ed. |
Cobb, Janine O'Leary.
1994 |
Key Porter Books
Canadian Medical Association Complete Guide to Medical Symptoms |
1994 |
Reader's Digest Association (Canada)
Patient No More: The Politics of Breast Cancer |
Batt, Sharon.
1994 |
Gynergy Books