Search Results

317 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Paré, Jean. 2005 Company's Coming Publishing
Paré, Jean. 2004 Company's Coming Publishing
Paré, Jean. 1996 Company's Coming Publishing
Pabst, Frank, with contributions from Yoshi Tabo and Andrea Vescovi. 2008 Douglas & McIntyre
Overbury, Stephen 1986 Methuen Publications
Ovenell-Carter, Brad. 1992 Whitecap Books
Osborne, Graham. 1993 Douglas & McIntyre
Osborne, Graham, with text by Richard Cannings. 2006 Douglas & McIntyre
Olive, David. 1990 Key Porter Books
Ogle, Jennifer, Eric Pateman, and James Darcy. 2007 Lone Pine Publishing
O'Keefe, Betty, and Ian Macdonald. 2001 Heritage House Publishing
O'Brien, Keith. 1996 Self-Counsel Press
Newman, Murray A., with John Nightingale. 2006 Harbour Publishing
Neering, Rosemary. 1994 Whitecap Books
Neering, Rosemary. 1994 Whitecap Books
Neel, Boyd 1985 University of Toronto Press
Musgrave, Susan. 2005 Thistledown Press
Murton, James. 2007 UBC Press
Mulgrew, Ian. 2005 Random House of Canada
Morton, Anne. 1990 Self-Counsel Press
Mohr, Angie. 2008 Self-Counsel Press
Miller, Naomi. 2002 Heritage House Publishing
Mecklinger, Elise. 1998 Macmillan Canada
McNulty, Barry, and Mark McNulty. 2006 Insomniac Press
McKinney, Sam. 2004 TouchWood Editions