Canadian Secretary's Handbook: An On-the-Job Guide for Office Professionals
Contains Bibliography, Index
ISBN 0-88908-690-7
DDC 651.3'741
Ann Turner is Financial and Budget Manager at the University of British
Columbia Library.
The secretary in a modern office plays many roles in addition to the
traditional ones. She or he serves as office manager, communications and
public relations specialist, technology expert, social director,
information officer, staff confidante, and trusted associate of
management. Inexperienced secretaries learn many of the skills required
for these roles by observing and being coached by their more experienced
colleagues. This book provides that coaching in written form. Hundreds
of tips and hints help the novice deal with everything from office
ethics to wrinkle-free packing for travel. Tables of abbreviations and
acronyms, definitions of technical terms, sample document formats, a
summary of Canadian postal regulations, and notes on common
uncertainties of spelling, punctuation, and grammar make this a handy
reference source for any office worker.