Keeping Family Stories Alive: Discovering and Recording the Stories and Reflections of a Lifetime. 2nd ed. |
Rosenbluth, Vera.
1997 |
Hartley & Marks Publishers
Outdoor Safety and Survival |
Lees, Judi.
1997 |
Douglas & McIntyre
The Complete Allergy Handbook |
Engel, June.
1997 |
Key Porter Books
Canadian Medical Association First Aid Manual |
1997 |
Reader's Digest Association (Canada)
«The Globe and Mail» Cryptic Crosswords |
Simpson, Fraser.
1997 |
Random House of Canada
Canada's Best Careers Guide, 1997-1998 |
Feather, Frank.
1997 |
Warwick Publishing
Canadian Internet New User's Handbook |
Carroll, Jim, and Rick Broadhead.
1996 |
Prentice-Hall Canada
The Only Baby Name Book You'll Ever Need |
Overhill, Heidi.
1996 |
Key Porter Books
Gibson's Guide to Graduate and Professional Programs at Ontario Universities 1995 |
Gibson, Dyanne.
1995 |
OISE Press
Making It Work: Career Management for the New Workplace |
Van Norman, Marilyn.
1995 |
Burgher Books
Pick One: A User-Friendly Guide to Religion |
Friesen, John. W.
1995 |
Detselig Enterprises
First on the Scene: The Complete Guide to First-Aid and CPR |
Valentine, Geoff.
1995 |
St. John Ambulance
The Canadian Business Guide to Using the Internet |
Richards, Linda.
1995 |
Self-Counsel Press
The Internet Toolkit |
McKie, Craig,
1995 |
Thompson Educational Publishing
Home Tips: Organizing Strategies for a Streamlined Homelife |
Katz, Patricia.
1995 |
Centax Books
1996 Canadian Internet Handbook |
Carroll, Jim, and Rick Broadhead.
1995 |
Prentice-Hall Canada
The Complete Guide to Canadian Universities |
Paul, Kevin.
1994 |
Self-Counsel Press
Modelling: A Guide to Working in Canada |
Nowacin, Angela.
1994 |
Stoddart Publishing
Everywoman's Money Book |
Wylie, Betty Jane, and Lynne MacFarlane
1987 |
Key Porter Books
Writing: An Informal, Anecdotal Guide to the Secrets of Crafting and Selling Non-fiction |
Waller, Adrian
1987 |
McClelland & Stewart
Getting Started: A Practical Guide to Your Small Business Success in Canada |
Smith, Richard D.
1987 |
International Self-Counsel Press
Herstory 1987: The Canadian Women's Calandar |
Saskatoon Women's Calandar Collective
1987 |
Coteau Books
Helping You Helps Me: A Guide for Self-Help Groups |
Hill, Karen
1987 |
Canadian Council on Social Development
The Radio Documentary Handbook: Creating, Producing, and Selling for Broadcast |
Hesse, Jurgen
1987 |
International Self-Counsel Press
Mobile Retirement Handbook: A Complete Guide to Living and Traveling in an RV |
Hesse, Jurgen
1987 |
International Self-Counsel Press