The Canadian Business Guide to Using the Internet


133 pages
Contains Illustrations
ISBN 0-88908-849-7
DDC 004.67'8





Reviewed by Jeffrey Moon

Jeff Moon is Head of the Maps, Data, & Government Information Centre (MADGIC), at Queen's University


This nifty, information-rich little volume of Internet lore covers a
whole range of business topics (advertising, e-mail, Internet lingo, and
so on) in a readable, jargon-free prose that focuses on what the
business person needs to know. It begins with the basic questions “Why
does your business need the Internet?” and “What are Canadian
businesses doing on the Internet?” The author enthusiastically
responds to these and other questions about the Internet and its
potential for Canadian businesses. She also identifies some potholes
along the “highway.” The handbook includes a brief glossary and a
list of Internet resources of interest to businesses. For the latter,
there is no way around the problem of currency. Internet addresses
(particularly those designating World Wide Web sites) change with
disconcerting frequency, so many of the addresses provided will no
longer be valid (for example, most government sites are now available
via the WWW rather than via gopher). The list’s value lies more in the
range of resources it identifies. Although virtually everything in this
book could be found on the Web, you’d spend more than $14.95 worth of
service time bringing it together—and probably not as well as this
book does.


Richards, Linda., “The Canadian Business Guide to Using the Internet,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,