Search Results

71 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Maryniak, Barbara. 1994 Goose Lane Editions
Andrews, J. David. 1994 Dynamic Light Productions
Taylor, Dave. 1994 Natural Heritage/Natural History
Wright, Richard Thomas. 1994 Heritage House Publishing
Lundell, Liz. 1994 Stoddart Publishing
McNamee, Kevin. 1994 Key Porter Books
Waiser, Bill. 1995 Fifth House
Yorath, Chris J., and Ben Gadd. 1995 Dundurn Press
1995 Key Porter Books
Keefe, Kathleen. 1995 Bruin Books
Goward, Trevor, and Cathie Hickson. 1996 Lone Pine Publishing
Armstrong, Bruce, and John Davis. 1996 Nimbus Publishing
Kraulis, J.A. 1996 Key Porter Books
Peterson, Jan. 1996 Oolichan Books
Lougheed, Vivien. 1997 New Star Books
Biagi, Susan. 1997 Formac Publishing Company
Lloyd, Tanya. 1997 Whitecap Books
Seagrave, Jayne. 1997 Heritage House Publishing
Callan, Kevin. 1997 The Boston Mills Press
Lebrecht, Sue. 1997 Klotzek Press
Runtz, Michael. 1997 The Boston Mills Press
Seagrave, Jayne. 1998 Heritage House Publishing
Weier, John. 1998 Turnstone Press
1998 Natural Heritage/Natural History
Mintz, Patty. 1998 Nimbus Publishing