Search Results

23 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Stern, Bonnie. 1994 Random House of Canada
Harlingten, Laara T. 1995 Centax Books
Lambert-Lagacé, Louise, and Michelle Laflamme. 1995 Stoddart Publishing
Buckland, Wendy, and Barb Nicoll. 1996 Key Porter Books
Hoffer, Abram. 1996 Quarry Press
Elliot, Elaine, and Virginia Lee. 1997 Formac Publishing Company
Main, Jan. 1997 Macmillan Canada
Rosenberg, Monda, and Frances Berkoff. 1997 HarperCollins Canada
Matthie-Jacobs, Linda. 1998 MJM Grande Publishing
Hamilton, Denise, and Chantal Jakel. 1998 Fit to Cook Inc.
Jamal, Krishna. 1998 Douglas & McIntyre
1998 Company's Coming Publishing
Toews, Judy, and Nicole Parton. 1998 Key Porter Books
Dawber, Diane. 1999 Quarry Press
Hoffer, Abram. 1999 Quarry Press
Patchell-Evans, David. 2000 Stoddart Publishing
Case, Shelley. 2001 Centax Books
Gallop, Rick, and Emily Richards. 2003 Random House of Canada
Ross, Cecily. 2006 Penguin Books Canada
Gilletz, Norene. 2006 Whitecap Books
Gallop, Rick. 2007 Random House Canada
Beck, Leslie, R.D 2009 Penguin Group Canada
Herriot, Carolyn 2010 Harbour Publishing