3-D Paper Crafts |
Broda, Ron, with Joanne Webb.
1997 |
Scholastic Canada
A Merchant's Tale: The Life and Times of John Cabot |
Sheaves, Pamela.
1997 |
Creative Book Publishing
A Year of Crafts for Children and Adults |
Hartman, Geraldine.
1994 |
Centax Books
Alphabake: A Cookbook and Cookie Cutter Set |
Pearson, Debora.
1995 |
Somerville House Publishing
Amazing Canadian Wildlife: Educational Colouring Book |
Reynolds, Linda.
1995 |
Bare Bones Publishing
Beanbag Buddies and Other Stuff Toys |
Sadler, Judy Ann.
1999 |
Kids Can Press
By the Bay |
Majka, Christopher.
1995 |
Empty Mirrors Press
Candy Making for Beginners |
Fryatt, Evelyn Howe.
1996 |
Hyperion Press
Christmas Crafts with Crayola Model Magic |
Fernandes, Kim.
1997 |
Scholastic Canada
Construct-a-Kit Fort and Playhouse with Paper Linx |
Poissant, Philip, and Dede Sinclair.
1995 |
Somerville House Publishing
Cook and Color |
Zarenda, Shelley.
1995 |
Centax Books
Cookie Critters |
Pearson, Debora.
1997 |
Somerville House Publishing
Corking |
Sadler, Judy Ann.
1995 |
Kids Can Press
Cosmic Science |
Wiese, Jim.
1997 |
John Wiley & Sons Canada
Create Your Own Millennium Time Capsule |
Forrester, Tina, and Sheryl Shapiro.
1999 |
Annick Press
Detective Science: 40 Crime-Solving, Case-Breaking, Crook-Catching Activities for Kids |
Wiese, Jim.
1996 |
John Wiley & Sons Canada
Dolls Kids Can Make |
McGraw, Sheila.
1995 |
Firefly Books
Dolls Kids Can Make |
McGraw, Sheila.
1995 |
Firefly Books
Dustin and St. Philip Bear |
Freeman, Nancy.
1995 |
Mount Pleasant House
Easy Braids, Barrettes and Bows |
Sadler, Judy Ann.
1997 |
Kids Can Press
Everyday Science: Fun and Easy Projects for Making Practical Things |
Levine, Shar, and Leslie Johnstone.
1995 |
John Wiley & Sons Canada
Fall: A Guide to Nature Activities and Fun |
Wishart, Pat, and Dianne Hayley.
1994 |
Lone Pine Publishing
Franklin Goes to Day Camp |
Bourgeois, Paulette.
1997 |
Kids Can Press
Fun with Franklin: A Learning to Read Book |
Bourgeois, Paulette.
1997 |
Kids Can Press
Fun with Franklin: Activity Book |
Bourgeois, Paulette.
1997 |
Kids Can Press