Toll of the Sea: Stories from the Forgotten Coast |
Parsons, Robert C.
1995 |
Creative Book Publishing
Flying the Frontiers, Vol. 2: More Hours of Aviation Adventure! |
Matheson, Shirlee Smith.
1996 |
Detselig Enterprises
A Thousand Blunders: The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and Northern British Columbia |
Leonard, Frank.
1996 |
UBC Press
Count Not the Dead: The Popular Image of the German Submarine |
Hadley, Michael L.
1995 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
The Timiskawa Navigator: Lake Timiskaming/Ottawa River |
Gray, Doug, and Peggy Gray.
1995 |
General Store Publishing House
The TTC Story: The First Seventy-five Years |
Filey, Mike.
1996 |
Dundurn Press
Through a Canadian Periscope: The Story of the Canadian Submarine Service |
Ferguson, Julie H.
1995 |
Dundurn Press
Sealing Steamers |
Feltham, John.
1995 |
Harry Cuff Publications
Essays in Canadian Surface Transportation |
1995 |
The Fraser Institute
The Cream of the Crop: Canadian Aircrew, 1939-1945 |
English, Allan D.
1996 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Bluenose Coasting: A Tradition Lost |
Cunningham, Robert.
1995 |
Lancelot Press
Cadillac of Destroyers: HMCS St Laurent and Her Successors |
Barrie, Ron, and Ken Macpherson.
1996 |
Vanwell Publishing
Shipwrecks and Seafaring Tales of Prince Edward Island |
Watson, Julie V.
1994 |
Dundurn Press
The Canadian Naval Chronicle 1939-1945 |
McKee, Fraser, and Robert Darlington.
1996 |
Vanwell publishing
Yukon Riverboat Days |
Yardley, Joyce.
1996 |
Hancock House Publishers
Shutting Down the National Dream |
Stewart, Greig.
1997 |
McGraw-Hill Ryerson
The Story of the Chestnut Canoe |
Solway, Kenneth.
1997 |
Nimbus Publishing
Legend of the Lake: The 22-Gun Brig Sloop Ontario 1780 |
Smith, Arthur Britton.
1997 |
Quarry Press
Gateways: Airports of Canada |
Pigott, Peter.
1996 |
Pottersfield Press
Flying Colours |
Pigott, Peter.
1997 |
Douglas & McIntyre
Passing Trains: The Changing Face of Canadian Railroading |
McDonnell, Greg.
1996 |
The Boston Mills Press
Tall Ships and Tankers: The History of the Davie Shipbuilders |
Marcil, Eileen Reid.
1997 |
McClelland & Stewart
Fitzgerald's Storm: The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald |
MacInnis, Joseph.
1997 |
Macmillan Canada
Wood and Glory: Muskoka's Classic Launches |
Gray, William M.
1997 |
The Boston Mills Press
The Philosophy of Railways: The Transcontinental Railway Idea in British North America |
Den Otter, A.A.
1997 |
University of Toronto Press