Fastback Beach |
Matheson, Shirlee Smith.
2003 |
Orca Book Publishers
Keeper of the Mountains |
Matheson, Shirlee Smith.
2000 |
Thistledown Press
Flying Ghosts |
Matheson, Shirlee Smith.
1993 |
Stoddart Publishing
City Pictures |
Matheson, Shirlee Smith.
1994 |
McClelland & Stewart
The Gambler's Daughter |
Matheson, Shirlee Smith.
1997 |
Beach Holme Publishing
Lost: True Stories of Canadian Aviation Tragedies |
Matheson, Shirlee Smith.
2005 |
Fifth House
Flying the Frontiers: A Half-million Hours of Aviation Adventure |
Matheson, Shirlee Smith.
1994 |
Fifth House
Flying the Frontiers, Vol. 2: More Hours of Aviation Adventure! |
Matheson, Shirlee Smith.
1996 |
Detselig Enterprises
Flying the Frontiers, Vol. 3: Aviation Adventures Around the World |
Matheson, Shirlee Smith.
1999 |
Detselig Enterprises