Her Tongue on My Theory: Images, Essays and Fantasies |
Blackbridge, Persimmon, Lizard Jones, and Susan Stewart.
1994 |
Press Gang Publishers
House on Ninth Street |
Towell, Larry.
1994 |
Cormorant Books
Between Two Cultures: A Photographer Among the Inuit |
Tippett, Maria.
1994 |
Penguin Books Canada
Photographing the World Around You: A Visual Design Workshop |
Patterson, Freeman.
1994 |
Key Porter Books
Prairie Skies |
Milne, Courtney.
1993 |
Fifth House
The Equinox Guide to 35mm Landscape Photography |
Fitzharris, Tim,
1994 |
Camden House Publishing
Visual Journeys: Roloff Beny |
Crites, Mitchell.
1994 |
Douglas & McIntyre
The Best of Masterfile |
1994 |
Masterfile Corp.
The Face Pullers: Photographing Native Canadians, 1871-1939 |
Silversides, Brock V.
1994 |
Fifth House
Spirit of the Land: Sacred Places in Native North America |
Milne, Courtney.
1994 |
Penguin Books Canada
Encounters: Early Images of Canada's Aboriginal Peoples |
Stevens, John A.
1996 |
General Store Publishing House
Copying People: Photographing British Columbia First Nations, 1860-1940 |
Francis, Daniel.
1996 |
Fifth House
Videotexts |
1995 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Underlying Vibrations: The Photography and Life of John Vanderpant |
Salloum, Sheryl.
1995 |
Horsdal & Schubart Publishers
Working Light: The Wandering Life of Photographer Edith S Watson |
Rooney, Francis.
1996 |
Carleton University Press
ShadowLight: A Photographer's Life |
Patterson, Freeman.
1996 |
HarperCollins Canada
The Outhouse Revisited |
Harron, Don.
1996 |
Firefly Books
Prince Edward Island: True Colours |
Barrett, Wayne, and Anne MacKay.
1996 |
Nimbus Publishing
Wild Bird Photography: National Audubon Society Guide |
Fitzharris, Tim.
1996 |
Firefly Books
Darwin Wiggett Photographs Canada |
Wiggett, Darwin R.
1997 |
Whitecap Books
Small Worlds: A Book of Photo Puzzles |
Wheeler, Matthew.
1998 |
Arsenal Pulp Press
Slytod |
Thorneycroft, Diana.
1998 |
University of Manitoba Press
Odysseys: Meditations and Thoughts for a Life's Journey |
Patterson, Freeman.
1998 |
HarperCollins Canada
Bridges of Light: Otto Landauer of Leonard Frank Photos, 1945-1980 |
Leonoff, Cyril E.
1997 |
Saint John at Work and Play: Photographs by Isaac Erb, 1904-1924 |
Kelly, Grant, and Sue McCluskey.
1998 |
Goose Lane Editions