Search Results

46 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Lemoine, Stewart. 2004 NeWest Press
Martini, Clem. 2000 Red Deer Press
Cantin, Paul. 1997 Stoddart Publishing
McFay, Edgar. 2005 Lone Pine Publishing
Cossette, Pierre. 2003 ECW Press
Myers, Paul. 2001 Madrigal Press
Keenleyside, Sam. 1998 ECW Press
Crouse, Richard. 2000 Dundurn Press
Thiessen, Vern. 1998 Playwrights Canada Press
Rose, Barbara Wade. 1998 ECW Press
Fitzgerald, Judith. 1997 Quarry Press
Burnett, Robyn. 2002 ECW Press
Brownstein, Bill. 2001 ECW Press
Frangione, Lucia. 2004 Talonbooks
MacDonald, Cheryl. 2003 Altitude Publishing Canada
Armstrong, John. 2001 New Star Books
Hoffman, Tod. 1998 ECW Press
Arden, Jann. 2004 Insomniac Press
Challen, Paul. 2001 ECW Press
Brossard, Nicole. 2004 Mercury Press
MacLean, Colin. 2005 Lone Pine Publishing
MacLean, Colin. 2005 Lone Pine Publishing
Young, Peter. 2002 Natural Heritage/Natural History
Faith, Karlene. 1997 University of Toronto Press
Faith, Karlene. 1997 University of Toronto Press