Search Results

77 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Kason, Yvonne, and Teri Degler. 1994 HarperCollins Canada
Everett, Barbara. 2000 Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Bigge, Ryan. 2001 Arsenal Pulp Press
2001 Douglas & McIntyre
Gadsby, Joan E. 2001 Key Porter Books
Woodhouse, Lauren. 1999 Prentice-Hall Canada
Shimrat, Irit. 1997 Press Gang Publishers
Abdennur, Alexander. 2000 Detselig Enterprises
Duguid, Margaret. 1996 Pentview Publishing
McKelvey, Betsy. 1996 Pembroke Publishers
Mills, Kenneth George. 1996 Sun-Scape Publications
Roy, Ranjan. 1998 University of Toronto Press
Roy, Ranjan. 1998 University of Toronto Press
Woodman, Marion. 1992 Inner City Books
Swede, George. 1993 Wall & Emerson
Mansfield, Kimberley. 1995 General Store Publishing House
Kruk, Edward. 1993 Fernwood Publishing
Peters, Celeste 1994 Script Publishing
Townsend, Elizabeth. 1998 University of Toronto Press
Townsend, Elizabeth. 1998 University of Toronto Press
Kaufman, Miriam. 2000 Key Porter Books
Roy, Ranjan, and Harvy Frankel. 1995 University of Toronto Press
Roy, Ranjan, and Harvy Frankel. 1995 University of Toronto Press
Sharp, Daryl. 1998 Inner City Books
Sharp, Daryl. 1996 Inner City Books