By Way of Sanity


204 pages
Contains Bibliography, Index
ISBN 0-13-083048-8
DDC 158.1




Robert B. MacIntyre is head of the Centre for Relationship Therapy and
Education in Orangeville, Ontario.


Woodhouse approaches successful living in a chaotic world from the
viewpoint of an organizational consultant and motivational speaker. Her
examples come from her own busy professional life, and from the
organizations and managers with whom she has worked. The 13 principles
she presents in this book range from accept and love yourself to
recognize and let go of fears and are designed to help individuals make
the personal changes necessary for survival in the organizational world.

Each chapter describes one of the 13 principles at some length and
discusses why that principle is important. In addition to brief case
studies, the book includes exercises for applying the principle. In
general, the author focuses more attention on the problems themselves
than on strategies for resolving them. Her style is dynamic and
reminiscent of inspirational speaking, with much use of metaphor and

By Way of Sanity will appeal to those in the business world seeking an
alternative to more traditional psychological or spiritual guides to
personal growth.


Woodhouse, Lauren., “By Way of Sanity,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024,