Search Results

66 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Bailey, Lydia. 1992 HarperCollins Canada
Berton, Pierre. 1993 McClelland & Stewart
Berton, Pierre. 1993 McClelland & Stewart
Booth, David, Larry Swartz, and Meguido Zola 1987 Pembroke Publishers
Bottieri, Bob. 1993 Oxford University Press Canada
Brown, Susan, and Anne Stephenson. 1992 Scholastic Canada
Buckingham, Sandra. 1993 Camden House Publishing
Buckingham, Sandra. 1993 Camden House Publishing
Camp, Peter A. 1982 Borealis Press
Coad, Luman. 1993 Charlemange Press
Dagan, Esther A. 1990 Galerie Amrad African Arts
Day, David. 1992 Doubleday Canada
Eagan, Robynne. 1992 Gage Educational Publishing
Edwards, Frank B. 1993 Bungalo Books
Edwards, Frank B. 1993 Bungalo Books
Foon, Dennis, and Brenda Knight 1985 Douglas & McIntyre
Gallant, Marc 1982 NC Press
Granfield, Linda. 1993 Kids Can Press
Gryski, Camilla. 1995 Kids Can Press
Gryski, Camilla. 1995 Kids Can Press
Gryski, Camilla. 1992 Kids Can Press
Hale, James, and Joanne Milner. 1996 Macfarlane Walter & Ross
Hunter, Tom. 1993 Heritage House Publishing
Johnson, Odette, and Bruce Johnson. 1991 Oxford University Press Canada
Kalman, Bobbie, and Allan and Deborah Drew-Brook-Cormack 1985 Crabtree Publishing