Pleasures Pure and Simple: And Good for You, Too! |
Housez, Brita.
2006 |
Centax Books
Soups |
Paré, Jean.
2006 |
Company's Coming Publishing
Most Loved Main Courses |
Paré, Jean.
2004 |
Company's Coming Publishing
The Everyday Calcium Cookbook: Calcium-Rich Nutrition for Whole-Body Health |
MacDonald, Helen Bishop.
2004 |
Key Porter Books
Fibre Boost: Everyday Cooking for a Long, Healthy Life |
Snider, Amy.
2004 |
Key Porter Books
Straight A's College Cookbook: Quick Cooking for 1 or 2 |
Wokes, Karen.
2004 |
Centax Books
The Urban Picnic |
Burns, John, and Elisabeth Caton.
2004 |
Arsenal Pulp Press
The IBD Nutrition Book |
Greenwood, Jan K.
1992 |
John Wiley & Sons Canada
I'm Hungry! Your Guide to Nutritious and Tasty Food for Young Children. Rev. ed. |
Brownridge, Eleanor.
1993 |
Random House of Canada
You Count, Calories Don't: The HugsTM Plan for Better Health |
Omichinski, Linda.
1992 |
Hyperion Press
Great Big Food Experiment: How to Identify-and Control-Your Child's Food Intolerances |
McNicol, Jane.
1990 |
Stoddart Publishing
The Joy of Health: A Doctor's Guide to Nutrition and Alternative Medicine |
Rona, Zoltan P.
1991 |
Dundurn Press
Nutrition Recommendations: The Report of the Scientific Review Committee |
1990 |
Canadian Government
More Six O'Clock Solutions: Fast and Easy Dinners for Family and Friends |
Phelan, Ruth, and Brenda Thompson.
2002 |
Pacific Newspaper Group
Home for the Holidays |
Paré, Jean.
2002 |
Company's Coming Publishing
Gluten-Free Diet: A Comprehensive Resource Guide |
Case, Shelley.
2001 |
Centax Books
The New Encyclopedia of Household Tips and Hints: Advice for Keeping an Efficient and Ecologically Sound Home |
Harris, Marjorie.
2001 |
Key Porter Books
Home for Dinner |
Waverman, Lucy.
2002 |
Random House of Canada
The Original, the Incredible Potato: A Cookbook and History. Rev. ed. |
Toews-Andrews, Agnes.
2000 |
Centax Books
HeartSmart Cooking for Family and Friends |
Stern, Bonnie.
2000 |
Random House of Canada
Chocolate Everything |
Paré, Jean.
2000 |
Company's Coming Publishing
Chicken! Chicken! Chicken! And More Chicken! Rev. ed. |
Mendelson, Lynn.
2000 |
Whitecap Books
Vegetables You Used to Hate |
King, Darlene.
2000 |
Whitecap Books
Fish for Thought: An Eco-Cookbook |
2000 |
Arsenal Pulp Press
Bubbe's Kitchen |
National Council of Jewish Women of Canada,
2000 |
Raincoast Books