Search Results

406 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Mattison, David 1985 Camera Workers Press
Matthews, Geoffrey, J., and Robert Morrow, Jr. 1985 Prentice-Hall Canada
1984 Copp Clark Pitman
1984 University of Toronto Press
1984 University of Toronto Press
1984 University of Toronto Press
1984 University of Toronto Press
Schmidt, Rene 1985 Scholastic-TAB
1982 Drug Information Division, Bureau of Nonprescription Drugs
Harrison, Brian R. 1982 Department of Communications
1982 National Library of Canada
1985 Micromedia
Colombo, John Robert 1984 Hounslow Press
1987 ECW Press
Bejermi, John 1982 Borealis Press
Grasham, W.E., and J.M. Alain 1985 Institute of Public Administration of Canada
Steacy, Richard 1984 Musson
Cariou, Mavis, Sandra J. Cox, and Alvan Bregman, comps 1985 University of Toronto Press
1987 Reference Press
National Library of Canada 1985 National Library of Canada
Janisch, H.N., S.G. Rawson, and W.T. Stanbury 1986 Canadian Law Information Council
1986 Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women
Huffman, Sybil, and James Huffman 1982 Guidance Centre, Faculty of Education, University of Toronto
Muir, Dalton, and Derek Ford 1985 Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada
Albala, Leila 1987 Alpel Publishing