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Academic Printing and Publishing
Wisdom, Ignorance and Virtue: New Essays in Socratic Studies |
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Timely Death: Considering Our Last Rights |
Mullens, Anne.
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Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Challenging Assumptions in Education |
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Alternate Press
Divorce and Spiritual Growth: A Guide to Understanding and Living Beyond Marriage Breakdown |
Bryce, Gladysann
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Anglican Book Centre
One Man's Journal |
O'Driscoll, Herbert
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Making Game: An Essay on Hunting, Familiar Things, and the Strangeness of Being Who One Is. |
Atkinson, Peter L.
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AU Press
Skills Mania: Snake Oil in Our Schools |
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Black Rose Books
Who Is This "We"?: Absence of Community |
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Peterkin, Audrey
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Braemar Books
A History of Anthropological Theory |
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Broadview Press
Theories of Human Nature |
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Broadview Press
Blindsight and the Nature of Consciousness |
Holt, Jason.
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Broadview Press
There Are Two Errors in the the Title of This Book: A Sourcebook of Philosophical Puzzles, Problems, and Paradoxes. Rev. ed. |
Martin, Robert M.
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Broadview Press
Ways to Meaning and a Sense of Universality |
Sahadat, John.
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Canadian Educators' Press
Twentieth Century Theories of Art |
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Carleton University Press
Twentieth Century Theories of Art |
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Carleton University Press
Living in the World as If It Were Home |
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Cormorant Books
The Birth of Reason |
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DC Books
The Birth of Reason |
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DC Books
The Spirit of Teaching Excellence |
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Detselig Enterprises
Philosophy of Education: Introductory Readings. 2nd ed. |
1996 |
Detselig Enterprises
Teaching as a Form of Artistic Expression |
Barrell, Barrie R.C.
2003 |
Detselig Enterprises
Walking the Talk: Putting Theory into Practice: Twenty-Five Narratives from a Faculty of Education. |
Richardson, Warnie, and Carole Richardson.
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Detselig Enterprises