K9 Explosive Detection |
Mistafa, Ron.
1998 |
Detselig Enterprises
K9 Scent Detection: My Favorite Judge Lives in a Kennel |
Kaldenbach, Jan.
1998 |
Detselig Enterprises
K9 Schutzhund Training: A Manual for Tracking, Obedience and Protection |
Gerritsen, Resi, and Ruud Haak.
2000 |
Detselig Enterprises
K9 Search and Rescue |
Gerritsen, Resi, and Ruud Haak.
1999 |
Detselig Enterprises
Labrador Retrievers. |
Kalman, Bobbie, and Kelley MacAulay.
2007 |
Crabtree Publishing
Labrador Retrievers. |
Kalman, Bobbie, and Kelley MacAulay.
2007 |
Crabtree Publishing
Let's Find Out About Dogs |
Hehner, Barbara.
1991 |
Random House of Canada
Lonesome: Memoirs of a Wilderness Dog |
Czajkowski, Chris.
2004 |
TouchWood Editions
Luke Baldwin's Vow |
Callaghan, Morley.
1995 |
Stoddart Publishing
Meet Matt and Roxy |
Huszar, Karen.
1996 |
Orca Book Publishers
Mooch and Me |
Gauthier, Gilles.
1991 |
Formac Publishing
Mooch Forever |
Gauthier, Gilles.
1995 |
Formac Publishing
Mooch Forever |
Gauthier, Gilles.
1995 |
Formac Publishing
More Great Dog Stories: Inspirational Tales About Exceptional Dogs. |
Snopek, Roxanne Willems.
2008 |
Heritage House
Mostly Mutts |
Wiggett, Darwin.
2006 |
Altitude Publishing Canada
Mustard |
Waterton, Betty.
1992 |
Scholastic Canada
Mutt Moments |
Wiggett, Darwin.
2006 |
Altitude Publishing Canada
My Dog: A Scrapbook of Drawings, Photos and Facts |
Baillie, Marilyn.
1993 |
Kids Can Press
My Life with Dogs |
Bunney, Gayle.
1999 |
Lone Pine Publishing
One in a Million |
Read, Nicholas.
1996 |
Polestar Book Publishers
Poodles. |
Kalman, Bobbie, and Kelley MacAulay.
2007 |
Crabtree Publishing
Poodles. |
Kalman, Bobbie, and Kelley MacAulay.
2007 |
Crabtree Publishing
Pup and Hound Catch a Thief. |
Hood, Susan.
2007 |
Kids Can Press
Pup and Hound Catch a Thief. |
Hood, Susan.
2007 |
Kids Can Press
Pup and Hound Hatch an Egg. |
Hood, Susan.
2007 |
Kids Can Press