Mooch Forever


60 pages
ISBN 0-88780-308-3
DDC jC843'.54





Illustrations by Pierre-André Derome
Translated by Sarah Cummins
Reviewed by Kelly L. Green

Kelly L. Green is editor of the Canadian Book Review Annual’s
Children’s Literature edition.


Carl has lost his best friend. Mooch, his dog, has died at the age of
nine—an age, Carl feels, that is far too young. “It’s not fair!
It’s the stupid veterinarian’s fault!” he exclaims. Carl, as we
later discover, is also still reeling from the recent loss of his
father. The narrative is a stream-of-consciousness description of
Carl’s feelings about Mooch and his intense longing to have her back;
of his fear that his mother may die, like Mooch and his father, and he
would be left alone; and finally of his resolution to accept the
friendly overtures of another boy and another dog, and begin to move on.

Mooch Forever sensitively presents the difficult issues that arise when
young children must confront the mortality of those they love dearly,
and on whom they depend. While well written, well translated, and age
appropriate, this new addition to Formac’s First Novel series is not,
however, a book that most children will pick up and read for enjoyment.
The subject matter is sombre, demanding, and humorless, and will

suit only children who have had similarly gut-wrenching, life-changing
experiences. Children who have faced death in a personal way may find
that it speaks comfortingly to them of loss and rebuilding. Recommended
with reservations.


Gauthier, Gilles., “Mooch Forever,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,