Goose Girl. |
McLellan, Joe, and Matrine McLellan.
2007 |
Pemmican Publications
Something New in the Air: The Story of First Peoples Television Broadcasting in Canada |
Roth, Lorna.
2005 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North |
2005 |
University of Calgary Press
Something New in the Air: The Story of First Peoples Television Broadcasting in Canada |
Roth, Lorna.
2005 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Northern Exposures: Photographing and Filming the Canadian North, 1920–45 |
Geller, Peter.
2004 |
UBC Press
The Hudson's Bay Boy: From Cabbagetown to Rupert's Land |
Seagrave, John.
2004 |
Fifth House
Prisoners of the North |
Berton, Pierre.
2004 |
Doubleday Canada
Bent Props and Blow Pots: A Pioneer Remembers Northern Bush Flying |
Terpening, Rex.
2003 |
Harbour Publishing
Northern Visions: New Perspectives on the North in Canadian History |
2001 |
Broadview Press
Igloo Dwellers Were My Church |
Sperry, John R.
2001 |
Bayeux Arts
Skippers of the Sky: The Early Years of Bush Flying |
2000 |
Fifth House
Inuit Journey: The Co-operative Adventure in Canada's North |
Iglauer, Edith.
2000 |
Harbour Publishing
Seasons of the Arctic |
Brody, Hugh.
2000 |
Douglas & McIntyre
True North: Exploring the Great Canadian Wilderness by Bush Plane |
Erickson, George.
2000 |
Thomas Allen & Son
By Truck to the North: My Arctic Adventure |
Turnbull, Andy, and Debora Pearson.
1999 |
Annick Press
Un/Covering the North: News, Media, and Aboriginal People |
Alia, Valerie.
1999 |
UBC Press
Arctic Journal II: A Time for Change |
Brown, Bernard Will.
1999 |
Reaching North: A Celebration of the Subarctic |
Bastedo, Jamie.
1998 |
Red Deer College Press
Breaking the Ice: An Arctic Odyssey |
Ruskell, Arnold.
1997 |
Shoreline Press
Great Northern Bushplanes |
Grant, Robert S.
1997 |
Hancock House Publishers
Little Lake Saga |
Miller, Nelson.
1996 |
Caitlin Press
Paddle to the Arctic: The Incredible Story of a Kayak Quest Across the Roof of the World |
Starkell, Don.
1995 |
McClelland & Stewart
Going Inside: A Couple's Journey of Renewal into the North |
Kesselheim, Alan S.
1995 |
McClelland & Stewart
Great Northern Characters |
Barnes, Michael.
1995 |
General Store Publishing House
Search for the Blue Goose |
Martin, Constance.
1995 |
Bayeux Arts