The Mi'kmaq Anthology |
1997 |
Pottersfield Press
Love Medicine and One Song |
Scofield, Gregory.
1997 |
Polestar Book Publishers
Gatherings: The En'owkin Journal of First North American Peoples, Vol. 9 |
1998 |
Theytus Books
Only Drunks and Children Tell the Truth |
Taylor, Drew Hayden.
1998 |
Rainbow Dancer |
Harris, Heather.
1999 |
Caitlin Press
I Knew Two Métis Women |
Scofield, Gregory.
1999 |
Polestar Book Publishers
Crisp Blue Edges: Indigenous Creative Non-Fiction |
2000 |
Theytus Books
Monkey Beach |
Robinson, Eden.
2000 |
Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Sojourners and Sundogs: First Nations Fiction |
Maracle, Lee.
2000 |
Press Gang Publishers
Billy Tinker |
Johnson, Harold.
2001 |
Thistledown Press
How Should I Read These?: Native Women Writers in Canada |
Hoy, Helen.
2001 |
University of Toronto Press
Being in Being: The Collected Works of a Master Haida Mythteller Skaay of the Qquuna Qiighawaay |
2001 |
Douglas & McIntyre
A Tale of Two Shamans |
Yahgulanaas, Michael Nicoll.
2001 |
Theytus Books
Gatherings, Vol. 12: Transformation |
2001 |
Theytus Books
At Geronimo's Grave |
Ruffo, Armand Garnet.
2001 |
Coteau Books
How Should I Read These?: Native Women Writers in Canada |
Hoy, Helen.
2001 |
University of Toronto Press
E Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake): Collected Poems and Selected Prose |
Johnson, E. Pauline.
2002 |
University of Toronto Press
Furious Observations of a Blue-Eyed Ojibway |
Taylor, Drew Hayden.
2002 |
Theytus Books
Daughters of Copper Woman |
Cameron, Anne.
2002 |
Harbour Publishing
Indian Myths and Legends from the North Pacific Coast of America |
Boas, Franz.
2002 |
Glass Tepee |
Gottfriedson, Garry.
2002 |
Thistledown Press
Final Season |
Arthurson, Wayne.
2002 |
Thistledown Press
E Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake): Collected Poems and Selected Prose |
Johnson, E. Pauline.
2002 |
University of Toronto Press
Gatherings, Vol. 14: En'owkin Reunion |
2003 |
Theytus Books
Prosodies of Meaning: Literary Form in Native America |
Bringhurst, Robert.
2004 |
University of Manitoba