Flying the Frontiers, Vol. 3: Aviation Adventures Around the World |
Matheson, Shirlee Smith.
1999 |
Detselig Enterprises
«Titanic»: The Canadian Story |
Hustak, Alan.
1998 |
Véhicule Press
A Great Fleet of Ships: The Canadian Forts and Parks |
Heal, S.C.
1999 |
Vanwell Publishing
Carving the Western Path: By River, Rail, and Road Through BC's Southern Mountains |
Harvey, R.G.
1998 |
Heritage House Publishing
Metal Canvas: Canadians and World War II Aircraft Nose Art |
Fochuk, Stephen M.
1999 |
Vanwell Publishing
The Canoe in Canadian Cultures |
1999 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Iron and Steam: A History of the Locomotive and Railway Car Builders of Toronto |
Ashdown, Dana William.
1999 |
Robin Brass Studio
Building a Birchbark Canoe: The Algonquin Wâbanäki Tcîmân |
Gidmark, David.
1994 |
Vanwell Publishing
Driving Force: The McLaughlin Family and the Age of the Car |
Robertson, Heather.
1995 |
McClelland & Stewart
Flying Canucks: Famous Canadian Aviators |
Pigott, Peter.
1994 |
Dundurn Press
The Canadian Wartime Submariners |
Perkins, J. David.
1994 |
Seaboot Productions
The Valencia Tragedy |
Neitzel, Michael C.
1995 |
Heritage House Publishing
Sky Riders: An Illustrated History of Aviation in Alberta, 1906-1945 |
Myers, Patricia A.
1995 |
Fifth House
Train Country: An Illustrated History of Canadian National Railways |
MacKay, Donald, and Lorne Perry.
1994 |
Douglas & McIntyre
The People's Road: On the Trail of the Newfoundland Railway |
Kearley, Wade.
1995 |
Harry Cuff Publications
The Wreck of the Asia: Ships, Shoals, Storms and a Great Lakes Survey |
Higgins, Robert.
1995 |
Escart Press
The Coast Connection |
Harvey, R.G.
1994 |
Oolichan Books
Prince Ships of Northern BC: Ships of the Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian National Railways, |
Hacking, Norman.
1995 |
Heritage House Publishing
Shipwrecks of Newfoundland and Labrador, Vol. 3 |
Galgay, Frank, and Michael McCarthy.
1995 |
Creative Book Publishing
The Greatest Little Motor Boat Afloat: The Legendary Disappearing Propeller Boat |
Dodington, Paul, et al.
1994 |
The Boston Mills Press
Tidewrack: Neglected Facts and Intriguing Stories from the age of the Wooden Ships |
Cunningham, Robert.
1994 |
Lancelot Press
Helicopters in the High Country: 40 Years of Mountain Flying |
Corley-Smith, Peter, and David N. Parker.
1995 |
Sono Nis Press
Tracks Across the Landscape: The S&L Commemorative History |
Campbell, Brian, with A.J.B. Johnston.
1995 |
University College of Cape Breton Press
Ninety Fathoms Down: Canadian Stories of The Great Lakes |
Bourrie, Mark.
1995 |
Dundurn Press
Turmoil and Triumph: The Controversial Railway to Hudson Bay |
Bickle, Ian.
1995 |
Detselig Enterprises