Search Results

260 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Matheson, Shirlee Smith. 1999 Detselig Enterprises
Hustak, Alan. 1998 Véhicule Press
Heal, S.C. 1999 Vanwell Publishing
Harvey, R.G. 1998 Heritage House Publishing
Fochuk, Stephen M. 1999 Vanwell Publishing
1999 Natural Heritage/Natural History
Ashdown, Dana William. 1999 Robin Brass Studio
Gidmark, David. 1994 Vanwell Publishing
Robertson, Heather. 1995 McClelland & Stewart
Pigott, Peter. 1994 Dundurn Press
Perkins, J. David. 1994 Seaboot Productions
Neitzel, Michael C. 1995 Heritage House Publishing
Myers, Patricia A. 1995 Fifth House
MacKay, Donald, and Lorne Perry. 1994 Douglas & McIntyre
Kearley, Wade. 1995 Harry Cuff Publications
Higgins, Robert. 1995 Escart Press
Harvey, R.G. 1994 Oolichan Books
Hacking, Norman. 1995 Heritage House Publishing
Galgay, Frank, and Michael McCarthy. 1995 Creative Book Publishing
Dodington, Paul, et al. 1994 The Boston Mills Press
Cunningham, Robert. 1994 Lancelot Press
Corley-Smith, Peter, and David N. Parker. 1995 Sono Nis Press
Campbell, Brian, with A.J.B. Johnston. 1995 University College of Cape Breton Press
Bourrie, Mark. 1995 Dundurn Press
Bickle, Ian. 1995 Detselig Enterprises