Search Results

42 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Waldman, Murray, and Marjorie Lamb. 2004 McClelland & Stewart
Stanley, Robert E. 2002 Hancock House Publishers
Coupar, Regina. 2002 Novalis
Gupta, Arjun. 2002 Bayeux Arts
Murray, Joan. 2002 McArthur & Company
Silcox, David P. 2002 Firefly Books
Mastin, Catharine M., et al. 2002 Key Porter Books
Jones, Karen R. 2002 University of Calgary Press
Reichert, Bonny. 2001 Key Porter Books
Buie, Pat. 2001 Insomniac Press
Scott, Keith. 2001 Hancock House Publishers
Scott, Keith. 2001 Hancock House Publishers
Pattie, Donald L., and Tamara Eder. 2001 Lone Pine Publishing
Busch, Robert H. 2001 Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Brown, Steven C. 2000 Douglas & McIntyre
Voss, Jennifer. 2001 Lost Moose Publishing
Nomad, Skye, and Lake Nomad. 2001 Voice in the Wilderness Press