Search Results

13 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Contenta, Sandro. 1993 Between the Lines
Danesi, Marcel. 1994 University of Toronto Press
Danesi, Marcel. 1994 University of Toronto Press
Dixon, R.G. Des. 1992 ECW Press
Forester, Anne D., and Margaret Reinhard. 1994 Peguis Publishers
Hayman, Marilyn. 1992 Creative Bound Inc.
Levalliant, Ted. 1994 Macmillan Canada
Martin, Jack. 1993 Detselig Enterprises
Nikiforuk, Andrew. 1993 Macfarlane Walter & Ross
Wells, Gordon, et al. 1993 OISE Press
White, Jerry. 1994 Warwick Publishing
1993 Detselig Enterprises
1993 Key Porter Books