Search Results

82 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Watson, Ron 1984 Boston Mills Press
MacKay, Niall 1982 Boston Mills Press
O'Neill, Paul 1982 Breakwater Books
Stewart, Walter 1985 Collins
Connors, William. 1995 Creative Book Publishing
Rusted, Joan. 1995 Creative Book Publishing
Shepherd, Victor A. 1994 Creative Bound Inc.
Climenhaga, David J. 1995 Detselig Enterprises
Olive, David. 1996 Doubleday Canada
Cadiz, John. 1995 Doubleday Canada
Ferguson, Will. 1998 Douglas & McIntyre
Munro, John A. 1990 Douglas & McIntyre
Priest, Simon 1985 Douglas & McIntyre
Zigaina, Giuseppe. 1991 Exile Editions
Beaulieu, Victor-Levy 1987 Exile Editions
Brown, Cassie. 1996 Flanker Press
1984 General Publishing
Kirkland, Gordon. 1999 Harbour Publishing
Macdonald, Alastair 1985 Harry Cuff Publications
Helm, Norman 1984 Highway Book Shop
Burrill, William. 1998 Insomniac Press
De Villiers, Marq, and Sheila Hirtle. 1997 Key Porter Books
1982 Key Porter Books
Vanier, Jean. 1996 Lancelot Press
Casey, Joe, and Barbara Erjavec. 1994 Lancelot Press