Search Results

42 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Anderson, Hugh. 1991 Penguin Books Canada
Boyce, Gerry. 1992 Natural Heritage/Natural History
Bryant, Simon T. 1997 MiddleWay Publishing
Cimmer, Henry B. 1993 Springbank Publishing
Clements, Warren. 2003 McClelland & Stewart
Crooker, William S. 1993 Nimbus Publishing
Dick, George. 1994 Lugus Publications
Engler, Allan. 1995 Fernwood Publishing
Evans, Millie. 1993 Four East Publications
Fanthorpe, Lionel, and Patricia Fanthorpe. 1995 Dundurn Press
Finlayson, Ann. 1993 Penguin Books Canada
Finnan, Mark. 1995 Formac Publishing Company
Fuller, J. Michael. 1993 Macmillan Canada
Goodman, Ned. 1992 Key Porter Books
Greaves, Lorraine. 1996 Fernwood Publishing
Harper, David G. 2002 Raincoast Books
Haskell, Preston. 1995 Preston Haskell
Hill, John Spencer. 1996 McClelland & Stewart
Horstmann, Ignatius J., G. Frank Mathewson, and Neil C. Quigley. 1996 C.D. Howe Institute
Introduced by Bob McDonald. 2002 McClelland & Stewart
Jukes, Bill. 2001 Detselig Enterprises
Malet-Veale, Decima. 1993 Detselig Enterprises
Naylor, R.T. 1994 Black Rose Books
Naylor, R.T. 1994 Black Rose Books
Nowers, Beth, and Jennifer Bell. 1993 Key Porter Books