The Full Mountie: And Other Highlights from The Globe Challenge


210 pages
Contains Illustrations
ISBN 0-7710-2155-0
DDC C818'.5402




Reviewed by Jane M. Wilson

Jane M. Wilson is a Toronto-based chartered financial analyst in the
investment business.


Warren Clements, The Globe and Mail’s remarkable wordmeister, has
regaled readers for well over 10 years with his insights into language.
In his most popular column, “The Globe Challenge,” readers vie to
create the most devastating metaphor, the funniest and most ironic
spelling error, or the most improbable book title. Their imagination
matches the originality of the challenges. Asked for skewered proverbs,
modern sins, or mangled foreign expressions, readers responded with
“The uneasy head that wears the crown lies,” “Skillduggery: the
padding of résumés,” and “Tempus figit: these are restless
times.” Some of the challenges invite epigrammatic comment on the
Canadian condition. The responses indicate a high standard of
intelligence among Clements’s readers, whose contributions are

The Full Mountie is a compilation of some of the best entries, with
occasional cartoons and amusing introductions to each category. It is a
hilarious book, suitable for anyone with a sense of humour and
especially for those with a Canadian sense of humour.


Clements, Warren., “The Full Mountie: And Other Highlights from The Globe Challenge,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,