Search Results

20 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Lundgren, Gunilla 1985 Annick Press
Benson, Frederick E. 1982 Crown Publications
Callaway, Bernice 1982 G.R. Welch Company
Rendall, Ted S. 1982 G.R. Welch Company
Borgen, William A., and John S. Knight 1984 Guidance Centre, Faculty of Education, University of Toronto
Arnill, Beatrice 1982 Highway Book Shop
Harrop, Gerry 1985 Lancelot Press
Brown J. Lloyd G. 1984 Lancelot Press
De Roo, Remi 1986 Lorimer
Young, Scott 1985 McClelland & Stewart
Trueman, Albert W. 1982 McClelland & Stewart
German, Tony 1982 McClelland & Stewart
Haiven, Judith 1984 New Star Books
1984 OISE Press
Levy, I. Judson 1984 Print 'N Press
Lee, Dennis 1984 Stoddart
Layton, Irving 1984 Stoddart
Inwood, Damian 1986 Sunfire Publications
Moak, Allan 1984 Tundra Books
Hancock, Carol L. 1986 Wood Lake Books