Duncan Back-to-Back |
Wells, Duncan.
1995 |
Breton Books
Her Kind: Stories of Women from Greek Mythology |
Cahill, Jane.
1995 |
Broadview Press
Toronto Sketches 4: "The Way We Were" |
Filey, Mike.
1995 |
Dundurn Press
Five-Minute Mysteries, 5: 40 Additional Cases of Murder and Mayhem for You to Solve |
Weber, Ken.
2005 |
Firefly Books
Adventures in Solitude: What Not to Wear to a Nude Potluck and Other Stories from Desolation Sound |
Lawrence, Grant
2010 |
Harbour Publishing
Canadian Animals I Have Known |
Dufoe, Donald.
1993 |
Highway Book Shop
The Fish Skin |
Oliviero, Jamie.
1993 |
Hyperion Press
The Classic Treasury of Animal Stories |
Aesop et al.
1997 |
Key Porter Books
The Children's Treasury of Animal Stories |
1993 |
Key Porter Books
My Mother's Ghost |
Buffie, Margaret.
1992 |
Kids Can Press
I Saw Santa |
Carey-Thompson, Thelma.
1993 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
The Snoring Log Mystery: Wilderness Adventures of a Young Naturalist |
Lee, Todd.
1993 |
Polestar Book Publishers
The Ghostly Tales of Mr. Tooth |
Holt, Gerald.
1992 |
Riverwood Publishers
The Toilet Paper Tigers |
Korman, Gordon.
1993 |
Scholastic Canada
Ghosts and Other Scary Stories |
Gould, Allan, and Pat Hancock.
1993 |
Scholastic Canada
Found Treasures: Stories by Yiddish Women Writers |
1994 |
Second Story Press
Stories from the Ballet |
Greaves, Margaret.
1993 |
Stoddart Publishing
Evidence. |
Colford, Ian.
2008 |
The Porcupine's Quill