The Canadian World Almanac and Book of Facts |
1987 |
Global Press
Vancouver's Top Ten: A Unique Guide to the Best in the City |
Adams, Norman
1985 |
Methuen Publications
Vancouver and Victoria: The Visitor's Guide |
Adams, Norman E.
1986 |
Methuen Publications
Catalogue of Canadian Catalogues: Shop at Home from Hundreds of Mail Order Sources |
Albala, Leila
1987 |
Alpel Publishing
Start and Run a Profitable Home Typing Business: A Step-by-Step Business Plan |
Aliaga, Barbara
1984 |
International Self-Counsel Press
Keyboarding for Kids: Teach Your Child in 10 Easy, Fun Lessons |
Aliago, Barbara
1985 |
International Self-Counsel Press
Loyalist Literature: An Annotated Bibliographic Guide to the Writings on the Loyalists of the American Revolution |
Allen, Robert S.
1982 |
Dundurn Press
Hiking Alberta's Southwest |
Ambrosi, Joey
1984 |
Douglas & McIntyre
Succeeding in University |
Angelicchio, Domenico
1984 |
Benvenuto Books
Cocaine: A Selection of Annotated Papers from 1880 to 1984 Concerning Health Effects |
Anglin, Lise
1985 |
Addiction Research Foundation
What Jobs Pay: The Complete Guide to Careers & Salaries in Canada |
Anisef, Paul, and Etta Baichman, with Carl E. James
1984 |
The Used car Believer's System |
Appel, Robert
1982 |
Doubleday Canada
Handbook of Upper Canada Chronology |
Armstrong, F.H.
1985 |
Dundurn Press
673 Ways to Save Money |
Arnett, Janet
1987 |
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Killaly Contributors: Being an Index to Stuffed Crocodile and Killaly Chapbook Contributors and a List of Their Recent Publications Together with Twenty Found Poems Signed on a Floor |
Arnold, Frank B.
1982 |
Killaly Press
A Buffalo Round-up: A Selected Bibliography |
Arthur, George W.
1985 |
Canadian Plains Research Centre, University of Regina
Notable Canadian Children's Books: 1975-1979 Cumulative Edition |
Aubrey, Irene E.
1985 |
National Library of Canada
Home Publishing: A Guide on How to Publish Your Own Material |
Bailey, George
1983 |
The Information Company
You and the News Media |
Bailey, George
1984 |
The Information Company
Gold Creeks & Ghost Towns |
Barlee, N.L.
1984 |
Hancock House
A Bibliography of Works on Canadian Foreign Relations 1976-1980 |
Barrett, Jane R., and Jane Beautmont, comps
1982 |
Canadian Institute of International Affairs
British Columbia Ghost Town Atlas |
Basque, Garnet
1982 |
Sunfire Publications
In Search of Your European Roots: A Complete Guide to Tracing Your Ancestors in Every Country in Europe |
Baxter, Angus
1985 |
Macmillan of Canada
In Search of Your Roots: A Guide for Canadians Seeking Their Ancestors |
Baxter, Angus
1984 |
Macmillan of Canada
In Search of Your British & Irish Roots: A Complete Guide to Tracing Your English, Welsh, Scottish, and Irish Ancestors |
Baxter, Angus
1982 |
Macmillan of Canada