A Dog Is Not a Gun: Observations on K9 Policing |
Stark, Cannie.
1998 |
Detselig Enterprises
Agent of Influence: A True Story |
Adams, Ian.
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Stoddart Publishing
Arctic Workhorse: The RCMP Schooner «St. Roch». Rev. ed. |
Delgado, James P.
2003 |
TouchWood Editions
BC Provincial Police Stories, Vol. 1 |
Clark, Cecil.
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Heritage House Publishing
BC Provincial Police Stories, Vol. 3 |
Clark, Cecil.
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Heritage House Publishing
Best Mounted Police Stories |
1996 |
University of Alberta Press
Born to Die: A Cop Killer's Final Message |
MacDonald, Ian, and Betty O'Keefe.
2003 |
Heritage House Publishing
Bound by Duty: Walking the Beat with Canada's Cops |
Capponi, Pat.
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Penguin Books Canada
Call in Pinkerton's: American Detectives at Work in Canada |
Williams, David Ricardo.
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Dundurn Press
Canadian Police Heroes: Beyond the Call of Duty. |
Pedersen, Dorothy.
2006 |
Altitude Publishing Canada
Canadian Police Officers |
Bourgeois, Paulette.
1992 |
Kids Can Press
Closely Guarded: A Life in Canadian Security and Intelligence |
Starnes, John.
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University of Toronto Press
Constabulary: The Rise of Police Institutions in Britain, the Commonwealth and the United States |
Senior, Hereward.
1997 |
Dundurn Press
Crimes, Constables, and Courts: Order and Transgression in a Canadian City, 1816-1970 |
Weaver, John C.
1995 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Crimes, Constables, and Courts: Order and Transgression in a Canadian City, 1816-1970 |
Weaver, John C.
1995 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Duty: The Life of a Cop. |
Fantino, Julian, with Jerry Amernic.
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Key Porter Books
Emergency Workers Are on Their Way! |
Kalman, Bobbie.
2005 |
Crabtree Publishing
Emergency Workers Are on Their Way! |
Kalman, Bobbie.
2005 |
Crabtree Publishing
Fontanka 16: The Tsars' Secret Police |
Ruud, Charles A., and Sergei A. Stepanov.
1999 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Hazardous Pursuit |
Strachan, Bruce.
1995 |
Caitlin Press
Honoured in Places: Remembered Mounties Across Canada |
Hulgaard, William J., and John W. White.
2002 |
Heritage House Publishing
In the Line of Duty, Vol. 2: From Fort Macleod to Mayerthorpe |
Knuckle, Robert.
2005 |
General Store Publishing House
In the Line of Duty, Vol. 2: From Fort Macleod to Mayerthorpe |
Knuckle, Robert.
2005 |
General Store Publishing House
In the Line of Duty: The Honour Roll of the RCMP Since 1873 |
Knuckle, Robert.
1994 |
General Store Publishing House
Intelligent Control: Developments in Public Order Policing in Canada. |
De Lint, Willem, and Alan Hall.
2009 |
University of Toronto Press