Union List of Manuscripts in Canadian Repositories: Third Supplement, 1979-1980 |
1982 |
Public Archives Canada
Canadian Drug Identification Code |
1982 |
Drug Information Division, Bureau of Nonprescription Drugs
Sport and Recreation for the Disabled/Sport et loisirs pour handicapes: An Index of Resource Materials/Un repertoire de la litterature |
1984 |
Sport Information Resource Centre
Index to Municipal Data 1982 |
1983 |
Minister of Supply and Services Canada
Film Canadiana 1980-1982: A Catalogue of Films Produced in Canada in 1980, 1981 and 1982 |
1984 |
National Film Board of Canada
Canadian Books in Print: Subject Index, 1983/84 |
1984 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian Books in Print: Author and Title Index, 1983/84 |
1984 |
University of Toronto Press
The Rudy Wiebe papers, First Accession: An Inventory of the Archives at the University of Calgary Libraries |
1986 |
University of Calgary Press
The Robert Kroetsch papers, First Accession: An Inventory of the Archives at the University of Calgary Libraries |
1986 |
University of Calgary Press
The Joanna M. Glass Papers: An Inventory of the Archives at the University of Calgary Libraries |
1986 |
University of Calgary Press
The Hugh MacLennan Papers: An Inventory of the Archives at the University of Calgary Libraries |
1986 |
University of Calgary Press
The Alice Munro Papers, First Accession: An Inventory of the Archives at the University of Calgary Libraries |
1986 |
University of Calgary Press
The Christie Harris Papers: An Inventory of the Archive at the University of Calgary Library |
2000 |
University of Calgary Press
Index: Dance in Canada Magazine, 1972-1986 |
1994 |
Arts Inter-Media Canada/Dance Collection
Historical Catalogue of Statistics Canada Publications 1918-1980 |
Statistics Canada
1982 |
Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada
Subject Index to Canadian Poetry in English for Children and Young People |
Snow, Kathleen M., Ricky Dabbs, and Esther Gorosh
1986 |
Canadian Library Association
Canadian Subject Headings |
National Library of Canada
1985 |
National Library of Canada
Nutrition and Fitness Manual: A Summary of Research and Resources |
MacDonald, Donna, Roxanne Buckle, and Rosemary Berardi, comps
1983 |
Nutrition Information Service, Ryerson Polytechnical Institute
A Historical Directory of Manitoba Newspapers, 1859-1978 |
Loveridge, D.M.
1981 |
University of Manitoba Press
The Canadian Jazz Discography, 1916-1980 |
Litchfield, Jack
1982 |
University of Toronto Press
Every Teacher's Thematic Booklist |
Devers, William J., James Cipielewski, and Renate Torok.
1995 |
Scholastic Canada
A Guide to the Fonds d'Archives and Collections in the Holdings of the York University Archives |
Craig, Barbara L., and Peter D. James.
1995 |
ECW Press
Resources for Native Peoples Studies |
Corley, Nora T.
1984 |
Resources Survey Division, Collections Development Branch, National Library of Canada
Killaly Contributors: Being an Index to Stuffed Crocodile and Killaly Chapbook Contributors and a List of Their Recent Publications Together with Twenty Found Poems Signed on a Floor |
Arnold, Frank B.
1982 |
Killaly Press