Resources for Native Peoples Studies


342 pages
Contains Bibliography, Index
ISBN 0-660-52676-X




Reviewed by Dean Tudor

Dean Tudor is a journalism professor at the Ryerson Polytechnical
Institute and founding editor of the CBRA.


This is the most important report in the whole Research Collection series, which analyzes the extent of resources in Canadian academic and specialized libraries. Ms. Corley is a specialist who has been extensively involved with Northern studies since she was at the Arctic Institute of North America (in its Montreal days). According to the National Library, she personally visited 65 of the more than 300 libraries containing materials for Native studies. The 300 are listed in the form of a directory and arranged by province. In addition to outlining the resources in Canada, her work contains four useful bibliographies: one lists 600 serial titles published in Canada by or about Native people (and where the titles may be found); another lists resources (and is further subdivided into subject areas dealing with Indians, Metis and Inuit); and the fourth lists sources of information in general about Native people in Canada (these sources were used in the course of the survey itself). There is also a loose map reprinted from the National Atlas of Canada (fifth edition, 1980), entitled “Indian and Inuit Communities and Languages.” This is a highly useful survey for any study program dealing with Native people; given the price, it is a great bargain.


Corley, Nora T., “Resources for Native Peoples Studies,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed March 14, 2025,