Search Results

585 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Drake, Kitty, and Ned Pratt. 1994 Breakwater Books
Gabereau, Vicki. 1994 Douglas & McIntyre
1994 Harbour Publishing
Hrechuk, Irene, and Verna Zasada. 1994 Centax Books
Mendelson, Susan, and Rena Mendelson. 1994 HarperCollins Canada
Paré, Jean. 1994 Company's Coming Publishing
Spalding, Andrea, and David Spalding. 1994 Orca Book Publishers
1994 Telemedia Communications
Webber, Helen, and Marie Woolsey. 1994 Centax Books
Melina, Vesanto, Brenda Davis, and Victoria Harrison. 1994 Macmillan Canada
Barber, James. 1994 Urban Peasant Productions
Bates, Johanna van der Zeijst, and Jan Walrabenstein. 1994 Centax Books
Bush, Kate, et al. 1994 Macmillan Canada
Cook, Laura. 1994 Whitecap Books
Darling, Shari. 1994 Macmillan Canada
1994 Centax Books
Elliot, Elaine, and Virginia Lee. 1994 Formac Publishing Company
Ferguson, Carol. 1994 Maxwell Macmillan Canada
Fitzpatrick, Willie. 1994 Centax Books
Gilbey, Faustina, 1994 Raincoast Books
Haller, James. 1994 Lancelot Press
Jason, Dan, and Dawn Penny Brooks. 1994 Harbour Publishing
Kaplun, Lillian. 1994 Lester Publishing
Lief, Charles, and Heather MacKenzie. 1994 Key Porter Books
Lindsay, Anne. 1994 Macmillan Canada