Search Results

326 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
2005 A Room of One's Own Press
Gotlieb, Rachel, and Cora Golden. 2001 Alfred A. Knopf Canada
1997 Altitude Publishing Canada
1984 Altitude Publishing Canada
Garland, Jane, and Liz Zetlin. 1994 Always Press
1994 Arsenal Pulp Press
Gagnon, Monika Kin. 2000 Arsenal Pulp Press
Waugh, Thomas. 2002 Arsenal Pulp Press
Waugh, Thomas, with Willie Walker. 2004 Arsenal Pulp Press
2004 Arsenal Pulp Press
Falkon, Felix Lance. 2006 Arsenal Pulp Press
2007 Arsenal Pulp Press
Till, Barry 1987 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Till, Barry, and Paula Swart 1986 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Tuele, Nicholas, and Liane Davison 1986 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
1985 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Falk, Gathie 1985 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Spalding, Jeffery 1985 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Till, Barry 1985 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Tuele, Nicholas 1985 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Bellerby, Greg L. 1984 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Bellerby, Greg L. 1984 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Kidder, Jack 1984 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Till, Barry 1983 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Till, Barry 1984 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria