The Eldercare Sourcebook |
Rhodes, Ann.
1993 |
Key Porter Books
Aging: Canadian Perspectives |
1994 |
Broadview Press
Gender, Aging and the State |
1994 |
Black Rose Books
When Older Is Wiser: A Guide to Health Care Decisions for Older Adults and their Families |
Parsons, Patricia, and Arthur Parsons.
1994 |
Doubleday Canada
Gender, Aging and the State |
1994 |
Black Rose Books
Abuse and Neglect of Older Canadians: Strategies for Change |
1995 |
Thompson Educational Publishing
Chronic Pain in Old Age: An Integrated Biopsychosocial Perspective |
1995 |
University of Toronto Press
When Seniors Are Abused: A Guide to Intervention |
Reis, Myrna, and Daphne Nahmiash.
1995 |
Captus Press
Look to This Day: A Complete Guide to Health and Well-Being in Your Later Years |
Michaels, Evelyne.
1995 |
Key Porter Books
Chronic Pain in Old Age: An Integrated Biopsychosocial Perspective |
1995 |
University of Toronto Press
Over the Next Hill: An Ethnography of RVing Seniors in North America |
Counts, Dorothy Ayers, and David R. Counts.
1996 |
Broadview Press
The Citizen's Wage: The State of the Elderly in Canada, 1900-1951 |
Snell, James G.
1996 |
University of Toronto Press
The Citizen's Wage: The State of the Elderly in Canada, 1900-1951 |
Snell, James G.
1996 |
University of Toronto Press
Take Care: A Practical Guide for Helping Elders |
Rhodes, Ann.
1997 |
HarperCollins Canada
Reform of Retirement Income Policy: International and Canadian Perspectives |
1997 |
Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
You Had to Be There: An Intimate Portrait of the Generation That Survived the Depression, Won the War, and Re-invented Canada |
Collins, Robert.
1997 |
McClelland & Stewart
Foisted Upon the Government?: State Responsibilities, Family Obligations, and the Care of the Dependent Aged in Late 19th Century Ontario |
Montigny, Edgar-André.
1997 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Aging in Alberta: Rhetoric and Reality. 2nd ed. |
Northcott, Herbert C.
1997 |
Detselig Enterprises
Reform of Retirement Income Policy: International and Canadian Perspectives |
1997 |
Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
Aging in British Columbia: Burden or Benefit? |
Northcott, Herbert C., and P. Jane Milliken.
1998 |
Detselig Enterprises
Independence and Economic Security in Old Age |
2000 |
UBC Press
Aging in Ontario: Diversity in the New Millennium |
Maurier, Wendy L., and Herbert C. Northcott.
2000 |
Detselig Enterprises
Where Will They Live?: A Guide to Help You Help Your Parents with Their Housing Decision |
Carter, Barbara H.
2001 |
Stoddart Publishing
The Encyclopedia of Health and Aging: The Complete Guide to Well-Being in Your Later Years. Rev. ed. |
Michaels, Evelyne, with Dr. Michael Gordon.
2001 |
Key Porter Books
Aging and Demographic Change in Canadian Context |
2002 |
University of Toronto Press