Search Results

83 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Caswell, William E. 2004 General Store Publishing House
Amernic, Joel, and Russel Craig. 2006 McGill-Queen's University Press
Dale, Denise and Alexandra Bradley. 2004 Streamline Information and Organizing Services
Pepermans, Raymond. 1990 Canadian Government
2002 Oxford University Press Canada
Horibe, Frances. 2001 John Wiley & Sons Canada
Kay, Michael. 2000 John Wiley & Sons Canada
Fattal, Tony. 2001 Self-Counsel Press
Brown, Stanley A. 2000 John Wiley & Sons Canada
Belding, Shaun. 2000 Stoddart Publishing
McElligott, Greg. 2001 University of Toronto Press
Taylor, James R., and Elizabeth J. Van Every. 1993 University of Toronto Press
Orsino, Philip S. 1994 John Wiley & Sons Canada
O'Hara, Bruce. 1993 New Star Books
Hoffman, Ben. 1993 Captus Press
Charney, Cyril. 1994 Stoddart Publishing
Rosell, Steven A., et al. 1995 Carleton University Press
Kiernan, Matthew J. 1995 Douglas & McIntyre
Ginsberg, Laurence, and Bruce McDougall 1996 Prentice-Hall Canada
Courville, Léon. 1995 Stoddart Publishing
Skene, Wayne. 1997 Douglas & McIntyre
Wright, Lesley, and Marti Smye. 1996 Key Porter Books
Davidson, Alistair, Harvey Gellman, and Mary Chung. 1998 HarperCollins Canada
Freedberg, Edmund J. 1997 HarperCollins Canada
Stirr, Thomas. 1997 Addison Wesley Longman